V & E Enterprises
The Fisherman's Catch
Hanauhoulani ( call him Han ) is a fisherman in a remote pacific island village a long time ago. He figures out a better way of catching fish and begins to become wealthy. The village chief decides it is not right for one man to have so much while others have so much less.
Experience a story that teaches kids it is hard work and determination that creates wealth. Not simply having something handed to you. From the old adage, "You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime" this story helps explain that true wealth does not come from redistribution of goods but from inspiring others to reach their potential.
Beautifully illustrated by Heather Dixon and masterfully crafted by Thomas Wright it is a story for young and old alike with parents often times enjoying the story and artwork as much as their children!
About Thomas Wright
Thomas Wriight's books have a purpose. He has more books planned that will join the Fisherman's Catch in teaching children lessons in basic economics in a fun and entertaining way.
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Book Reviews
"This book is extremely well written and understandable. It is intriguing and keeps a child's attention while also teaching a very simple principle that has become so skewed. Aft..."
Daniel V. Oaks
The Fisherman's Catch
"I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It presented a positive, fun view of the universe. The story was engaging enough that I hated to stop, and the lessons it taught actually made me ..."
Captain Justo From the Planet IS