V & E Enterprises
About V&E Enterprises
V&E Enterprises is dedicated to promoting literacy and guiding independent authors in their journey.
Every author needs help and support - especially when just starting out.
We can help you. Advice is always free, you just need to ask. We have experienced authors that can give advice on things like publishing options and how to develop a pitch to use when asked about your book.
We also offer publishing services like editing and formatting services at reasonable pricing. Prices will be quoted and agreed to before services are rendered.
Contact us for more information on our services. We are here to help you.
The Evolution of V&E Enterprises
V&E Enterprises was developed by Valerie and Earle Gardner to meet the needs of a group of local authors seeking affordable publishing services. The primary focus of V&E Enterprises is authors helping authors.
Valerie is an award winning hybrid author with an Associates degree in Communications. She has been writing for over twenty five years and has four books published. She has done formatting for a small press and is also adept at creating and editing cover art.
Earle has started and run several successful businesses and has a background in logistics, marketing and photography. He is an engineer who specializes in layout design for events. He is adept at adjusting cover artwork to fit spine size.
Services and Fees
Reviewing your cover for market.**
Edit a cover for more sales - after the review we will give a cost to do any editing.*
Create a cover for your book if done in house it will be $25.00 to $100.00, if it must be sent out for art work that cost will have a 10% mark up.*
We will read over your book and check for typos, story flow and other problems.
This is not a fact checking service.
You will get back a Word file with comments as to what we find so any changes will be up to you if they are to be made.
This service is done at a cost of $.0075 per word with a $50.00 minimum.*
Will read through the book and create an honest review for the book.
Will post the review on up to 10 sites of your choice.
Cost of the review can range from a free book to $1.00 per page.*
There will be a 10% mark up on fees for outsourced reviews.
Converting and uploading to eBook sites
We will convert your file and upload it to Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iBook and Google Books
The fee for this service is $25.00 to for the first site and $10.00 each after that and 10% of any royalties earned from sales on each site.
Available at and listed with bookstores
With this service we will upload you book to a POD service placing your book in online book stores around the world and making them available to be order or stocked at most brick and mortar book stores.
There is a set up and up load cost that is set by the service and the size and type of book and a yearly fee to keep it listed. *
There is a 10% fee added to the cost for this service and 10% of any royalties earned from sales.
This cost will be done on a case by case as there are a lot of variables for this service.*
There is a 10% fee added to the printing cost for this service but not the shipping.
ISBN and UPC codes
We will provide an ISBN and UPC code for each print and eBook.
Each ISBN or UPC will be $10.00.
Audio books
With this service we will upload your book to an Audio service placing your book in online audio book stores like Amazon and ITunes.
To get your book in audio can be done as a pay for the service in full or by splitting the royalties.*
The fee for this is 10% of any royalties earned and 10% of any out of house services you pick and approve.
The Pitch: this is the most important thing to have if you want to sale books and we will help you with you create and improve your pitch. **
We will get your books on book blogs. If there is any cost it will be approved before it is done.
Links to low cost printing of marketing items. **
Add your book to Goodreads.com .**
Video Book Trailers
We can assemble a video book trailer including photos and graphics.
We can incorporate your pitch in the video trailer.
Video files will be delivered ready to upload to online video sites like FaceBook.
Cost will start at $35.00.*
Our fees for services are based on your sales or what the service costs us to have done.
*Any cost for services will be approved before they are performed.
** Service is included free with any paid service or $10.00 with no other service.
Hourly labor rate for in-house work is $35.00 per hour with a 1 hour minimum.
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Book Reviews
"This book is extremely well written and understandable. It is intriguing and keeps a child's attention while also teaching a very simple principle that has become so skewed. Aft..."
Daniel V. Oaks
The Fisherman's Catch
"I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It presented a positive, fun view of the universe. The story was engaging enough that I hated to stop, and the lessons it taught actually made me ..."
Captain Justo From the Planet IS