V & E Enterprises

Marc David is a veteran journalist whose writing career spans three decades, during which time he has covered the sports spectrum from heavyweight boxing champions to the Olympics. Throughout his career, or perhaps in spite of it, he has managed to run every day.
A native of Allentown, Pennsylvania, Marc now resides in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he writes books, contributes articles to newspapers, and is available for speaking engagements.
Speaking topics include:
Healthy Lifestyles
Running For Enjoyment
Creative Memoir Writing
His 1st book "The Addicted Runner," his second book, “Available Male Tale,” and third book, “1,001 Things You Didn’t Want to Know,” are now available through his website www.theaddictedrunner.com
The Addicted Runner
The story of the author’s continuing quest to find himself through running – the highs and lows, the funny encounters and tragic mishaps, the hail-fellows well met and the bastards best forgotten – that have enlightened his journey of more than 25-plus years of uninterrupted days of pounding the pavement. What began as a casual morning jog has turned out to be the fulcrum of his existence, taking the author through every state in the United States to the Emerald Isle to the Virgin Islands to the beaches of Thailand. The miles have been endless, the people fascinating, the lessons learned enduring.
Available Male Tale
Marc David speaks from experience in his book Available Male Tale. He writes about a rocky re-entry to the dating experience and the hypocritical gears of the post-divorce mating machine with merciless truth and cleansing humor. And he hammers home each chapter with words of wisdom from the prophets of classic rock-and-roll. How does one survive as a single person in today’s world? Follow the journey as Marc leads the way.
1,001 Things You Didn’t Want to Know
…where America’s oldest brewery is? …which future president spurned offered from two NFL clubs, opting instead for law school? …which famous gunfighter traded in his six-shooter to become a sports editor and writer in New York? These are just three of the 1,001 curious questions that made the cut into this rarified collection of top trivia. And they are all answered by career journalist author and self-anointed Trivia Titan, Marc David. Tag along with Marc and explore these incredible–but absolutely factual–mind-benders from the world of sports, music, history, politics, entertainments and geography. You may not have wanted to know these things…but after reading this book, you will never, ever forget them.